It was a 5:15 wake-up for Kacy this morning! He had an appointment in Moscow at the Palouse Surgeons' Surgery Center.
It sounds very serious, but it was just a dental appointment- no surgeon required, only Kacy's dentist and a hygienist . Kacy actually had a cavity that needed to be filled and due to his severe objection to anyone looking in his mouth, he needed to be put under anesthesia. While he was under, Doctor Dusty and his hygienist were going to give everything a good look, clean and floss his teeth, give him a good dose of fluoride, and take some x-rays. Kacy has undergone several outpatient procedures in his ten years, and this certainly won't be the last, so "putting him under" really doesn't cause much anxiety on our behalf. There are so many things about Kacy that we can't fix that we are adamant about fixing the things we can- and his teeth fall in that category of "fixable problems!" We have actually been requesting this for several years- I mean, really. Nearly 10 years without a teeth cleaning- yuk-o! We brush his teeth, but still... everybody's pearly whites need a good scrub a couple times a year. So today was the first of many more "sedated" dentist appointments. Thankfully, everything went as expected!
Teeth polished & flossed!
Cavity filled!
Fluoride applied!
X-rays taken!
And a bonus! -A loose tooth pulled (rather than swallowed!) and ready for the Tooth Fairy!
My Instagram pic of Kacy post-Versed . We have learned a hearty dose of this medication prior to leaving me relaxes him to sleep, making IV insertion a million times easier. |
An hour later, he was sleeping soundly in Recovery. Kacy was blessed with our friend, Benay, as his nurse. It's always nice to get some extra-special TLC. (Instagram pic)
We were home by 9:00 am. I took full advantage of this opportunity and we headed to my room, closed the blinds, snuggled under a favorite blanket and took a nap. By 11:00, Kacy was up and going- hungry, thirsty, and wanting to play. ...He refuses to let me see his filling or the spot where his missing tooth used to be, of course. But I am thankful because the whole thing was easy, peasy, lemon squeezy! And we can't say that very often, so we'll take it today!